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이선욱. 2010. 영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기 (53) 티파니(Tiffany & Co.)

by For Your Life 2020. 2. 29.

출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.

영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기
저자 : 이선욱
출판 : 길벗이지톡 2010.01.05

6장. 그거 꼭 사고 싶더라! 브랜드

3. 티파니 보석의 파란 비밀


Tiffany & Co. is probably the most-loved jewelry brand among women. Tiffany's brand name is, of course, second to none, and the jeweler is expanding its presence to sixteen countries.

 - second to none: 제일의, 최고의

 - expand its presence in/to/through: ...에서 존재감을 높이다/확대하다/강화하다


Did you ever think about why women love this brand so much?

 - ever = at any time: 한번이라도


Does Tiffany jewelry have unique designs of what women love? They do, but there are also many other brands with extraordinary designs. The answer is the blue box. When you buy Tiffany jewelry, it is wrapped in a small blue box. The box gives off a luxurious image of desire and exclusivity.

 - give off: 냄새/열/빛 등을 발하다/내다

 - exclusivity = exclusiveness: (특권층만이 누릴 수 있는) 고급스러움, 독점(권)


This may be the real reason why women adore the Tiffany brand. The company's careful management of its image has brought success to Tiffany.

 - bring success: 성공을 가져오다


Being the standard-bearer of luxury goods came only after enormous investment by Tiffany & Co.

 - standard-bearer: 지도자

 - only after: ...한 후에만/경우에만, ...하고 처음으로, ...만을 추구하고, ...밖에 안중에도 없어서


[참고] 위키피디아



Tiffany & Co. - Wikipedia

American luxury retail company Tiffany & Co. (colloquially known as Tiffany's)[2] is an American luxury jewelry and specialty retailer headquartered in New York City.[3] It sells jewelry, sterling silver, china, crystal, stationery, fragrances, water bottl

