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외국어/영어 원서7

학년별 렉사일 지수(Lexile Measure) 출처: https://hub.lexile.com/lexile-grade-level-charts Lexile & Quantile Hub hub.lexile.com 렉사일 지수(Lexile Measure)는 영어 원서 읽기를 할 때 종종 참고되는 지표 중 하나입니다. 렉사일 지수가 절대적인 기준은 아니겠지만 자신의 어휘 수준에 맞는 책을 고르기 쉽게 해 준다는 장점이 있습니다. 아래 표는 학년별 렉사일 지수를 50백분위수와 90백분위수를 통해 보여준 것입니다. 백분위수(percentile)는 특정 집단에서의 한 개인의 상대적 위치를 나타내는데, 숫자가 클수록 해당 집단 내에서 상대적으로 높은 점수를 받았음을 가리킵니다. 예컨대, 백분위수가 95라면 자신이 속한 집단에서 상위 5%에 해당하는 점수를 받았다는 .. 2022. 9. 11.
[영어원서 읽기] 뉴베리상 뉴베리상(Newbery Medal)은 미국도서관협회(American Library Association, ALA) 아동도서분과(Children's Librarians' Secion)에서 세계 최초로 1922년부터 매년 우수 아동도서를 선정하여 수여하고 있는 메달을 말합니다. "뉴베리"라는 이름은 18세기 영국의 출판업자인 존 뉴베리(John Newbery)로부터 따온 것이지요. 현재는 미국도서관협회 내의 아동 도서관서비스 협회(Association for Library Service to Children)국에서 선정을 담당하고 있습니다. http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants/bookmedia/newberymedal/aboutnewbery/aboutnewbery The John.. 2019. 12. 9.
[영어 원서 정복] 이솝우화(Aesop's Fables) - 005. The Donkey, the Onager, and the Lion 출처: Luara Gibbs trans., Aesop’s Fables, Oxford Univ Pr., 2008. Fable 5The Donkey, the Onager, and the Lion An onager saw a donkey labouring under a heavy load and he made fun of the donkey’s enslavement. ‘Lucky me!’ said the onager. ‘I amd free from bondage and do not have to work for anyone else, since I have grass near at hand on the hillsides, while you rely on someone else to feed you, forev.. 2018. 5. 2.
[영어 원서 정복] 이솝우화(Aesop's Fables) - 004. The Onager, the Donkey, and the Driver 출처: Luara Gibbs trans., Aesop’s Fables, Oxford Univ Pr., 2008. Fable 4The Onager, the Donkey, and the Driver An onager saw a donkey standing in the sunshine. The onager approached the donkey and congratulated him on his good physical condition and excellent diet. Later on, the onager saw that same donkey bearing a load on his back and being harried by a driver who was beating the donkey from beh.. 2018. 4. 28.
[영어 원서 정복] 이솝우화(Aesop's Fables) - 003. The Wolf, the Dog, and the Collar 출처: Luara Gibbs trans., Aesop’s Fables, Oxford Univ Pr., 2008. Fable 3The Wolf, the Dog, and the Collar A comfortably plump dog happened to run into a wolf. The wolf asked the dog where he had been finding enough food to get so big and fat. ‘It is a man,’ said the dog, ‘who gives me all this food to eat.’ The wolf then asked him, ‘And what about that bare spot there on your neck?’ The dog replie.. 2018. 4. 25.
[영어 원서 정복] 이솝우화(Aesop's Fables) - 002. Demosthenes and the Athenians 출처: Luara Gibbs trans., Aesop’s Fables, Oxford Univ Pr., 2008. Fable 2Demosthenes and the Athenians They say that during an assembly in Athens, Demosthenes was prevented from making his speech, so he told the audience he wanted to say just a few words. When the audience had fallen silent, Demosthenes began his tale. ‘It was summertime, and a young man had hired a donkey to take him from Athens t.. 2018. 4. 19.
[영어 원서 정복] 이솝우화(Aesop's Fables) - 001. Demades and the Athenians 출처: Luara Gibbs trans., Aesop’s Fables, Oxford Univ Pr., 2008. Fable 1Demades and the Athenians The orator Demades was trying to address his Athenian audience. When he failed to get their attention, he asked if he might tell them an Aesop’s fable. The audience agreed, so Demades began his story. ‘The goddess Demeter, a swallow, and an eel were walking together down the road. When they reached a .. 2018. 4. 18.