Welcome to our first English as a Second Language Podcast!
In this podcast, we are going to introduce you to the format of our podcast, as well as the people who record it.
ESL Podcast is designed especially for people who are intermediate or advanced speakers of English, but want to improve their listening and speaking skills. We plan on providing a new podcast every day, Monday through Friday. The daily podcasts are always free.
There will be many different topics for our podcasts. We will try to talk about topics that you will find interesting. All of our podcasts use “real English”— the normal, everyday English you will find among native speakers in the United States. ESL Podcast is not a textbook or a course. It is a way to listen to real native speakers talking as they do every day in English. ESL Podcast tries to provide you with English you can understand. We speak at a slightly slower rate, but always use normal, native speaker English to help you improve.
There are two parts to every podcast: After a brief introduction, there is a discussion or dialog on the topic of the day. This usually lasts 3-6 minutes. In part 2, there is an explanation of the vocabulary and expressions used during part 1. We explain how certain words and phrases are used by native speakers, including both formal and informal expressions.
ESL Podcast is currently produced by a team of volunteers. It is a production of the Center for Educational Development, located in Los Angeles, California. My name is Dr. Jeff McQuillan, and I’m the host of ESL Podcast. I have been teaching English as a Second Language for many years both here in the United States and in other countries. I received my Ph.D., my doctorate, in applied linguistics from the University of Southern California. I taught as a university professor for several years here in California and in Arizona. I have written many articles and books on the teaching of English.
All of the voices you will hear on ESL Podcast will be native speakers. We suggest that you listen to the entire podcast at least once. Then re-listen to the first part until you feel you understand most of it. You will find that your listening comprehension will increase after each listening.
The text or script of Part 1 of each podcast can be found on our website, www.e-s-l-p-o-d.com. That’s www.eslpod.com. Click on the “Scripts” link in the upper, right hand corner. We would love to hear from you, the listener. Please email us to tell us where you live and what topics you would like to hear on future ESL Podcasts. Our email address is e-s-l-p-o-d@e-s-l-p-o-d.com. That’s eslpod@eslpod.com.
Thank you again for listening. We hope you enjoy these podcasts and that they help you in your goal of improving your English.
1. 제공하다
a: to make (something) available (어떤 것)을 이용할 수 있게 하다
: to supply (something that is wanted or needed) (원하거나 필요한 것)을 공급하다
b: to give something wanted or needed to (someone or something) ...에(게) 원하거나 필요한 것을 주다
: to supply (someone or something) with something ...에(게) 어떤 것을 공급하다
2. 규정하다
: to say that something will or should happen 어떤 일이 일어날 것이라고 또는 일어나야 한다고 말하다
: to make it certain or possible that something will happen or be done 어떤 일이 확실히 일어나게[이행되게] 하다, 어떤 일이 일어날[이행될] 수 있게 하다
3: to supply what is needed for someone to live 어떤 사람이 살아가는 데 필요한 것을 공급하다
provide against (something) ...에 대비하다
: to do what is needed to prepare for (something bad that might happen) (일어날지 모르는 나쁜 일)에 대응하기 위하여 필요한 일을 하다
provide for (something) ...을 가능하게 하다, 허용하다
: to cause (something) to be available or to happen in the future 장래에 (어떤 것)을 이용할 수 있게 하거나 (어떤 일)이 일어나게 하다
provide for (something or someone) 부양하다, 지원하다
: to supply what is needed for (something or someone) ...에(게) 필요한 것을 공급하다
1. 공급, 제공
: the act or process of supplying or providing something 어떤 것을 공급하거나 제공하는 일, 과정
2. 대비
: something that is done in advance to prepare for something else 다른 것을 준비하기 위해 미리 하는 일
3. provisions
: a supply of food and other things that are needed 식량을 비롯한 필요한 물품
4. 조항, 규정
: a condition that is included as part of an agreement or law 계약이나 법의 일부로 포함되어 있는 조건
provided 만약 ...이라면, ...을 조건으로
: IF - used to say that one thing must happen or be true in order for another thing to happen 어떤 일이 일어나려면 다른 일이 일어나거나 실현되어야 한다고 말할 때 씀
providing = provided
provident 장래를 준비하는
: careful about planning for the future and saving money for the future 장래를 위해 세심하게 계획하고 돈을 모으는
providence 섭리
: God or fate thought about planning for the future and saving money for the future 장래를 위해 세심하게 계획하고 돈을 모으는
providential 행운에 힘입은, 천우신조의
: LUCKY - happening at a good time because of luck 운이 좋아 적절한 때에 일어나는
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ESL Podcast 2 - Family and Family Members (0) | 2016.12.05 |