출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.
3장. 즐기다 보면 영어가 된다! 영어 공부하기 좋은 영화와 미드
6. 웃다 보면 영어까지 공부할 수 있는 미드 <Chuck>
You ought to have fun when you study English. That way, you'll want to spend more time using the language.
- That way: 그와 같이, 그런 상태로
One way to do this is to watch amusing TV shows in English.
- amusing: 재미있는, 즐거운
Chuck is an action-comedy TV series about a character named Chuck. One day, Chuck receives a classified e-mail from an old friend who is working at the CIA.
- classified: 기밀의, 주제별로 분류된
The e-mail contains an entire database filled with classified U.S. government information. Chuck is the kind of person who naturally commits large amounts of information to memory, and all of the spy secrets are accidentally embedded in his mind.
- commit STH to memory: ...을 기억하다, 마음에 새기다
cf. commit: 범죄를 저지르다, 전념/충실/헌신하다, [수동태] 약속하다
- embed in: 마음 속에 깊이 간직하다
cf. embed: [수동태] 단단히 박다/끼워넣다, 기자 등을 파견하다
As a result, Chuck hides his identity and works as a computer expert at a store called Buy More. There are two secret agents who protect Chuck from danger. To ensure his safety, they also take undercover jobs as his girlfriend and a store employee.
- take a job = accept a job: 일을 맡다
- undercover: 위장근무의, 첩보활동의, 비밀리에 하는
Without a doubt, watching Chuck is going to provide you with hours of rib-tickling laughter while you learn English.
- without a doubt: 의심할 여지없이, 의심할 바 없이, 틀림없이, 확실히
- rib-tickling: 재미있는, 우스꽝스러운