출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.
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3장. 즐기다 보면 영어가 된다! 영어 공부하기 좋은 영화와 미드
8. <배틀스타 갤럭티카> 미드에 중독되다!
If you have grown tired of the sitcom Friends, then maybe it is time to try a different genre.
- grow tired of: ...에 싫증나다
Battlestar Galactica―or simply "Galactica"―is one show that will stimulate you in entirely new ways.
- galactic: 은하계의
Additionally, you will pick up many new vocabulary words because it is related to science and outer space, which are important topics for many students nowadays. Galactica takes place in a galaxy where humans live side by side with the Cylons, a cybernetic race.
- side by side: 함께, 나란히
- cybernetic: 인공두뇌(학)의
When the Cylons attack the humans one day, the human survivors board a spacecraft seeking refuge in a place called Earth. One intriguing twist in the series is the fact that the Cylons resemble humans, who cannot tell a Cylon apart from a fellow human.
- tell apart A from B: A를 B와 구별하다
When you reach an episode aired around the middle of the series, you will be shocked to discover that one of the leading "human" characters turns out to be a Cylon.
- turn out (to be): ...로 판명되다/밝혀지다