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이선욱. 2010. 영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기 (34) 유리 먹는 사람

by For Your Life 2020. 2. 27.

출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.

영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기
저자 : 이선욱
출판 : 길벗이지톡 2010.01.05

4장. 이 정도는 알아야지! 일반 상식

4. 도전해 보실래요? Glass eating!


Can you believe that a human can eat glass? In China, a 24-year-old man has been eating glass since he was six. His name is Wang Chengke. On a TV show, he suddenly smashes a Tsingtao beer bottle and starts to eat the glass slowly, piece by piece. He can eat any kind of glass, including ashtrays, but of course, he has his preferences.

 - ashtray: 재떨이

 - have a preference for: ...을 더 선호하다, ...을 선택하다

 cf. have a preference to/over: 우선권을 갖다


Whenever he walks along the street, he picks up glass bottles and other glass debris so that he can enjoy them as "snacks" later on.

 - debris: 파편, 잔해, 쓰레기


During the TV program, he was advised to get his internal organs examined at a hospital.

 - be advised to V: ...할 것을 권고받다

 - get SB examined: ...에게 진찰을 받게 하다


One doctor later said that Wang's gastric acid level was five times stronger than an average person's.

 - gastric: 위(胃)의


Isn't that bizarre? What's more, if you Google the words "glass eating," you will discover that there are many more people with a similar glass-eating ability.
