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이선욱. 2010. 영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기 (36) 여자친구 만드는 법

by For Your Life 2020. 2. 27.

출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.

영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기
저자 : 이선욱
출판 : 길벗이지톡 2010.01.05

4장. 이 정도는 알아야지! 일반 상식

6. 솔로 부대는 주목! 여자친구 만드는 3가지 방법


Men and women are very different creatures having different priorities, emotions, and mindsets.

 - mindset = mentality: 사고방식, 태도


Here are a few tips to help guys find a girlfriend. First, groom yourself. Remember that women do not always look for the most handsome guy around, but they want a clean-cut look.

 - clean-cut: 말쑥한, 용모단정한


Second, girls like guys filled with self-confidence. But be careful because women also frown at guys obsessed with their ego.

 - frown: 얼굴/눈살을 찌푸리다/찡그리다


Third, women want a man to make good eye contact. If you avoid looking straight into her eyes, the women seated beside you will think you are either shy or ignoring her. In addition, girls are hungry for compliments. Even small remarks like compliments about her hairstyle go far to impress a girl.

 - go far to V: ...하는 데 (크게) 도움이 되다


Finally, girls adore guys breaking the ice by making them laugh.

 - break the ice: 서먹서먹한/딱딱한 분위기를 깨다

 cf. icebreaker: 처음 만났을 때 어색함을 누그러뜨리기 위한 말/행동, 쇄빙선


But some jokes concerning body parts are totally off-limits.

 - off-limits: 논의 금지의, 출입 금지의


Women can be very touchy about those things.

 - touchy = delicate, sensitive: 민감한, 주의해서 다뤄야 하는

 - touch = sensitive: 과민한
