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[뉴욕타임즈 영어 공부] Briefing, March 16, 2020

by For Your Life 2020. 3. 20.

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출처: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/16/briefing/coronavirus-china-economy-billie-eilish.html?action=click&module=Briefings&pgtype=Homepage


Your Tuesday Briefing

Coronavirus, China’s economy, Billie Eilish: Here’s what you need to know.



Your Tuesday Briefing

Coronavirus, China’s economy, Billie Eilish: Here’s what you need to know. 

By Melina Delkic and Jonathan Wolfe
March 16, 2020
Updated 4:54 p.m. ET


Good morning.

We’re covering a potential shutdown of nonessential travel to the E.U., the economic fallout in China from the coronavirus, and Billie Eilish’s rise to stardom.

 - cover: 다루다, 포함시키다

 - fallout: 좋지 못한 결과, 악영향, 방사능 낙진(落塵)

[Image] European leaders at a joint press conference on COVID-19 at the E.U. headquarters in Brussels on Monday.



Europe looks at closing borders 

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, proposed a shutdown of all nonessential travel into the bloc to stem the spread of the coronavirus. She cited strong support for the move ahead of a formal vote by member countries on Tuesday.

 - bloc: 국가 간의 연합

 - stem: 흐름을 막다/저지하다

The ban, which would initially be for 30 days, would not restrict travel between E.U. member states, but 10 European countries have already introduced their own border controls.

France imposed a 15-day lockdown on its citizens, with President Emmanuel Macron saying in a speech on Monday: “We are at war.”

 - lockdown: 움직임/행동에 대한 제재(制裁)

And it’s not just national borders. Europeans are erecting boundaries inside their cities and neighborhoods and around their homes. A life of “bumping shoulders on the street or in the cafe, greeting friends with kisses on the cheeks” is no more, writes our chief diplomatic correspondent in Europe.

 - bump: 부딪치다

 - correspondent: 특파원, (특정 지역/주제 담당) 기자/통신원

 cf. emissary: 사절(使節), 특사(envoy)

Here are the latest updates on the outbreak and maps of where the virus has spread.


Elsewhere around the world:

  • President Trump and U.S. health officials advised against gatherings of more than 10 people and discouraged young people in particular from going to bars and restaurants. Millions of people in the San Francisco area were ordered to “shelter in place.”

 - advise against: ...에 반대(의견을 제시)하다

 - shelter: (어떠한 장소에 머무르면서) 비바람/위험 등을 피하다


  • Canada closed its borders to most foreign travelers.
  • In a reversal, British prime minister Boris Johnson said people should work at home and avoid unnecessary travel and contact with others, but stopped short of ordering schools or businesses closed.

 - reversal: 전환, 반전, 역전

 - in a reversal: 태도/방향 등을 뒤집어서

 - stop short of: ...까지는 가지 않다, ...의 바로 앞에서 멈추다


  • President Trump told a group of governors they should not wait for the federal government to fill the growing demand for respirators for severe coronavirus cases.

 - respirator: 마스크, 인공호흡기


  • Across the Middle East, schools, malls, restaurants and workplaces were shuttered and flights were suspended as countries like Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Kuwait moved aggressively to deal with the outbreak.

 - outbreak: 전쟁/사고/질병 등의 발발


What to know: Social isolation doesn’t have to be lonely. Also, if your kids are learning from home, maybe our writing prompts will help.

 - social isolation: 사회적 고립, 격리

 - learn from: ...에서 배우다

 - prompt: 자극/고무하는 것

The Times is providing free access to much of our coverage, and our Coronavirus Briefing newsletter — like all of our newsletters — is free.

 - coverage: 보도(報道)/방송, 범위

[Image] A shopping mall in Shanghai on Monday.



Is China’s growth streak over?

 - streak: 연속


The economic fallout from China’s fight against the coronavirus outbreak became much clearer this week: It’s very possible the economy contracted in the first quarter, for the first time since 1976.

The first official numbers since Beijing locked down parts of the country are out: Industrial production, retail sales and investment all posted record double-digit drops for the first two months of the year, compared with the same period in 2019.

 - post: 발표하다, 게시/공고하다

Though government officials played down the news, saying it was too early to tell whether the economy contracted, the data released on Monday was even more dismal than many economists had anticipated.

 - play down: 기사를 작게 취급하다, 경시하다

Looking ahead: It could be months, if not longer, before the country is fully up and running again. Tens of millions of migrants who work in China’s factories are still stuck in quarantines or in their hometowns. And consumers are still not shopping.

 - if not: ...까지는 아니라 하더라도

 - quarantine: 격리

Markets: Stocks plunged around the world, including a 12 percent drop in the S&P 500 — the worst day of trading since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, and the steepest decline since 1987.

 - plunge: 급락하다(plummet), 앞아래로 갑자기 거꾸러지다

It came even after the U.S. Federal Reserve essentially unleashed all the aggressive and extraordinary policies it used to combat the global financial crisis from 2007 to 2009, but deployed them in a single weekend.

 - unleash: 자유롭게 하다, 해방하다, 속박을 풀다, 촉발시키다, 불러일으키다

 cf. leash: 속박하다, 억제하다, 개를 묶어두는 끈/사슬

 - deploy: 자원/논의 등을 활용하다, [군사] 배치/전개하다

Here’s the latest on the markets.


If you have 20 minutes, this is worth it


Billie Eilish’s rise to stardom


The teen pop star has resuscitated the macabre and melancholy mood that has been mostly absent from the musical mainstream since the ’90s heyday of rock acts like Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson. For its music issue, The New York Times Magazine looked at her rise.

 - resuscitate: 소생시키다(revive)

 - macabre: 죽음/무서운 것에 관련되어 섬뜩한/으스스한(ghoulish, grisly)

 - mostly: 주로, 일반적으로

 - act: [음악] 공연자/그룹

“I love bugging people out,” Eilish told our writer. “Freaking people out. I like being looked at. I like being in people’s heads. I feed off it.”

 - bug out: (충격을 받아) 도망치다/내빼다

 - freak out: (너무 화나거나/놀라거나/흥분하거나/두려워서) 자제력을 잃게 하다



Here’s what else is happening

Japan nursing-home murder: A 30-year-old man who said he was inspired by Hitler to kill 19 disabled people was sentenced to death by a Yokohama court.

Russia: The country’s highest court approved constitutional changes that opened the way for President Vladimir Putin to remain in power through 2036.  

Middle East: Iran, badly hit by the virus, continues to allow thousands of people to cross into Afghanistan daily despite requests to close the border.
 - badly: 몹시, 심하게

 - cross into: 경계를 넘어가다




Snapshot: Above, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in Southern California, is known for its stunning wildflower blooms.

What we’re reading: This New York Magazine article about the fatal stabbing of Tessa Majors in a Manhattan park. Jonathan Wolfe, a news producer on “The Daily” podcast, called it “a sharp look at how the communities that surround the park — and the city as a whole — have responded to the murder, and grappled with the policing and commentary that followed.”

 - a sharp look: 매서운 눈초리

 - grapple with: ...을 해결하려고 노력하다

 - policing: 치안 유지 활동



Now, a break from the news



Cook from your pantryOur food columnist Melissa Clark is offering weekly recipe tips for those of us who are making the most of our grocery stockpiles:

 - pantry: 식료품 저장실(larder)

 - make the most of something: ...을 최대한 이용하다

 - stockpile: 비축(량); 사재기하다


“For this first recipe, I chose a pumpkin bread because I had a can of pumpkin purée left in the back of the cupboard, left over from Thanksgiving, but you could use any fruit or vegetable you have around. Mashed ripe bananas or applesauce, very finely grated apple or pear, or even puréed frozen berries or peaches are also good candidates. Puréed roasted sweet potatoes or carrots would also work.

 - purée: 퓌레(과일이나 삶은 채소를 으깨어 물을 조금만 넣고 걸쭉하게 만든 음식

 - leave over: ...을 남겨두다, 사용하지 않고 놔두다

 - grate: (강판에) 갈다, 문지르다, 뭉개다

“To make it, whisk up 1¾ cups puréed or finely grated fruits or vegetables, 2 eggs and ½ cup oil or melted butter. Sweeten the mix with ½ to ¾ cup sugar, depending on how sweet you like your quick bread (white, brown, coconut sugar, what have you), then season it with ½ teaspoon salt and a teaspoon of whatever spices you’ve got. (I used a combination of ginger, cardamom and cinnamon.) When it’s smooth, whisk in 2 cups flour (use all-purpose or a combination of all-purpose and whole-wheat) and 1 teaspoon baking soda. Bake at 350 degrees in a greased 9-by-5-inch loaf pan for 45 minutes to an hour.”

 - whisk: 휘젓다, 휘저어 거품을 내다

 - quick bread: 베이킹파우더를 넣어 즉석에서 구운 빵

 - (and) what have you: 등의 그런/같은 종류

 - cardamom: [향신료] 소두구(小豆蔲), 카더멈

 - smooth: 덩어리 없이 고루 잘 섞인

 - all-purpose flour: (베이킹 파우더가 들어 있지 않은) 다목적용/보통 밀가루

 - loaf pan: 빵틀

Listen: Angélique Kidjo, one of Africa’s most respected vocalists, was born in 1960, the same year that her country, Benin, won its independence. She spoke to The Times about her musical and cultural upbringing.

 - win independence: 독립을 쟁취하다

 cf. achieve, declare, gain, lose, maintain, preserve, recognize, retain + independence

Watch: “Never Rarely Sometimes Always,” by the director Eliza Hittman, tells a seldom-told story about abortion. It’s a Critic’s Pick.

Smarter Living: A professor at Brown University offers tips to hack our brains and break the anxiety cycle: “Overwhelmed by uncertainty and fear of the future, the rational parts of our brains go offline. Just by taking a moment to pause, we give our prefrontal cortex a chance to come back online and do what it does best: think.”



And now for the Back Story on …



Covering market chaos

It’s been a chaotic week on Wall Street. To break down the turmoil, Times Insider spoke to Matt Phillips, a markets reporter on the Business desk. Below is a condensed version of the conversation.

 - break down: 차근차근 설명하다

 - desk: 신문/방송의 특정 부(部)


Walk us through last week. What happened?


Everyone knew the virus was spreading in China and compartmentalized it. But there was a psychological shift when the virus spread to Italy. As one of my sources said, a lot of Wall Street workers have been to Italy. This wasn’t as “foreign” as people thought.

 - compartmentalize: (서로 영향을 주지 않도록) 구분/분리하다


Then there was growing concern about the response from our government. It seemed from talking to people that they were getting concerned there wasn’t a serious response. Wall Street isn’t warm and fuzzy. What they really want to see is numbers. And if there aren’t numbers to work with, then Wall Street doesn’t know what to do. The fact that there hasn’t been substantial testing in the United States drove the Street crazy.

 - fuzzy: [비격식] 사랑과 친절함이 넘치는


Did the stock market events of last week surprise you?


I never would have predicted a collapse like we saw last week. This was the end of the bull market, in part because the Federal Reserve, which has been like a huge wind at the market’s back for a decade, can’t solve it: It can’t print enough money to ensure people don’t get infected by the virus.

 - bull market: 상승 장세, 호황

 - have the wind at your back: 성공할 수 있는 좋은 상황을 맞다

 - wind at one's back: 바람을 등지다


How have your sources been reacting?


They’re saying it’s scary. People in the stock market typically talk in generalities because specifics are valuable. My job is like trying to take their temperature on what they think is driving the market, but no one really has any idea. It’s really the sum of millions of people with millions of motivations taking millions of positions, so there is never one answer.

 - take someone's temperature: ...의 체온을 재다



That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.


— Melina


Thank you
To Mark Josephson and Eleanor Stanford for the break from the news. You can reach the team at briefing@nytimes.com.


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