출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.
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4장. 이 정도는 알아야지! 일반 상식
7. 남자를 매혹하고 싶다면 기억할 것!
Many 20-something women spend much of their spare time looking for Mr. Right in places where they can meet guys, like coffee shops and nightclubs.
- -something: -대(代), -사람/집단
They mistakenly believe that only a beautiful woman can attract a man. That is not true. If you want to attract a man, remember that above all, guys want to feed their ego.
- feed one's ego: ...의 자존심을 만족시키다
The moment when you make eye contact or smile at a guy, his ego is stroked.
- stroke: 쓰다듬다, 어루만지다, 달래다, 어르다, 구슬리다
His pride gets inflated as soon as you show him some attention. Then, suddenly, looks are only a part of you.
- only a part of: 단지 ...의 일부일 따름
Also, women are often reluctant to make the first move because of cultural norms and their fear of rejection.
- make the first move: 먼저 행동을 취하다/시작하다
Interestingly, such a fear is the same reason why men often hesitate to make the first move. Bear in mind that when you step up to the plate first, your sex appeal shoots up dramatically.
- step up to the plate: 행동을 개시하다, 책임을 맡다
- shoot up: 급등/급증하다, 급속히 자라다
Also, find out what a man is passionate about and show an interest in it. He will gradually start to associate his affection for it with you.
- associate A with B: A를 B와 결부/관련지어 생각하다
- affection for: ...에 대한 애정
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