출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.
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4장. 이 정도는 알아야지! 일반 상식
9. 당신은 '13일의 금요일'이 어떤가요?
Do you harbor any prejudices about Friday the 13th?
- harbor: 계획/생각을 품다, 죄인 등을 숨겨주다, 항구(port), 피난처, 은신처(refugee)
Known to be an unlucky date, Friday the 13th has never been much loved by people. Especially for Christmas, Friday was never an auspicious day because on that day Jesus was crucified.
- crucify: 십자가에 매달아 죽이다, 호되게 비판하다/처벌하다
Also, Adam and Eve are believed to have eaten the forbidden fruit on a Friday. When scheduled to set sail on a Friday, seamen have often been reluctant to depart.
- set sail: 출항하다, 출범하다
cf. set sail from A for B: A에서 B를 향해 출항하다
The British Royal Navy reportedly attempted to disprove this superstition once and for all.
- once and for all: 최종적으로, 완전히, 마지막으로 한 번만 더
A navy's vessel named the H.M.S. Friday was launched on a Friday. But according to legend, the entire crew, including Captian James Friday, never returned home. When it comes to the number 13, tarot readers call 13 the "death card" and bakers use the term "baker's dozen" to refer to the thirteenth loaf. Regarded as a bribe to the devil, the thirteenth loaf supposedly prevents the devil from spoiling the sale.
- supposedly = allegedly: 추정상, 아마
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