출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.
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5장. 그 사람이 그렇대? 인물탐구
1. "지성"이면 감천!
Today, Park Ji Sung is a world-famous soccer player, but he had some tough times during his high school days. Until he entered Myungji University, he was not welcomed by many soccer clubs because he was too short to be a competitive player. Although he was the shortest player on his college team, he was also the fastest and most adaptable of all.
- adaptable: 새로운 환경에 적응할 수 있는
All of his hard work paid off during the FIFA World Cup of 2002, when he scored the winning goal in a critical game against Portugal.
- pay off: 성공하다, 성과를 올리다
- winning goal: 결승골, 승리를 결정짓는 득점
Quite a number of Korean fans were amazed by his contribution to the win through his skills.
- quite a number of: 상당한 수의, 제법/꽤 많은
Although he was short, he could outmaneuver the larger foreign players.
- outmaneuver: 노련하게 압도하다, 상대방의 허를 찌르다, 전략/술책으로 이기다
After the World Cup success, he switched to PSV Eindhoven with Lee Young Pyo before finally joining Manchester United. Park Ji Sung became the first Asian to play for Manchester United, the most powerful soccer team in the world.
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