출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.
6장. 그거 꼭 사고 싶더라! 브랜드
6. 왜 한국인들은 스타크래프트에 열광할까?
Have you heard of World of Warcraft, Counter Strike, FIFA, and Starcraft? They are all popular computer games loved internationally. In Korea, however, there is no game more popular than Starcraft. There are loads of people of all ages addicted to watching Starcraft battles on the cable channel Battle.net.
- loads of = tons of: 수많은
- of all ages: 모든 나이의, 모든 시대의
cf. people of all ages: 남녀노소
Professional gamers in Korea are probably as popular as actors starring in prime-time dramas. So why are Koreans going gaga over these real-time online strategy games?
- go gaga over: ...에 홀딱 빠지다, 열광하다
One of the most appealing elements of these games is their so-called "ranking system." Battle.net tells viewers who won each game without delay. In addition, Starcraft finishes relatively quickly. In general, Koreans refuse to wait for the results of a match for very long.
- refuse to V: ...하는 것을 거절하다
cf. refuse to yield: 오기를 부리다
- for long: 오랫동안, 장기간
For example, in World of Warcraft it takes ages to travel through a vast world filled with wide-ranging tasks, so Koreans are usually less attracted to it than to Starcraft.
- take ages to V: ...하는 데 오랜 시간이 걸리다
- wide-ranging: 폭넓은, 광범한
[참고] 위키피디아
'외국어 > 영어독해' 카테고리의 다른 글
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