출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.
2장. 쉬운 원서에 도전해 보자! 영어 공부하기 좋은 책
8. 평생 소장하고 싶은 타샤 튜더의 책
Tasha Tudor is one of the most beloved book illustrators in America. She is well-known for her exquisite watercolor depictions of rural American life.
- be known for: (어떠한 특징, 성취, 업적)으로 알려져 있다
- be well-known for: ...로 잘 알려져 있다
cf. be best known for: ...로 가장 잘 알려져 있다
- exquisite: 매우 아름다운, 정교한
After publishing her first book, Pumpkin Moonshine, in 1938, she illustrated almost one hundred books until her death in 2008. Additionally, she drew many fine paintings for posters, calendars, and Christmas cards. Ms. Tudor is remembered as being a unique writer, as she lived in a house in the countryside of New England surrounded by a magnificent garden.
- countryside: 시골 지역, 전원지대
- magnificent: 참으로 아름다운, 감명 깊은, 훌륭한, 멋진
The garden was where she would find much inspiration for her artwork.
- find inspiration for: ...에 영감을 주다
- find inspiration in: ...로부터 영감을 찾다/얻다
If you are curious about what it looked like, pick up a copy of Tasha Tudor's Garden or The Private World of Tasha Tudor.
- copy: 복사(본), 책/신문 등의 한 부
The photos depicted in these books vividly portray her lifestyle and garden, making it seem as though you are there.
- depict: 그리다, 묘사하다
- portray: 그리다, 묘사하다, 보여주다
- as though = as if: 마치 ...인 것처럼/듯이
You will cherish these books because they exude a warmth and beauty that is incomparable.
- exude: 특정한 느낌이 물씬 풍기다, 액체/냄새가 풍기다
- warmth: 온기, 따뜻함
- incomparable = matchless: 비할 데가 없는
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