출처: 이선욱. 2010. 『영어 리딩 무작정 따라하기』. 길벗이지톡.
2장. 쉬운 원서에 도전해 보자! 영어 공부하기 좋은 책
9. 미국 고등학교 1학년 필독 도서, 『앵무새 죽이기』
If you have ever been to the United States, you know that the country is a true melting pot in that it is home to many different races, religions, and ethnic groups. However, if treated unfairly, you will start to think about racism in a more personal way.
- be treated unfairly: 부당한 대접을 받다
- personal: 직접 한, 몸소 한, 개인적인, 사적인
To Kill a Mockingbird is an excellent book for provoking deeper discussion on this issue.
- provoke: 유발하다, 도발하다, 화나게 하다
The narrator of the story is a six-year-old girl named Scout Finch. Her father, Atticus, is a lawyer who defends Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl.
- be accused of: ...의 죄로 고소/고발/기소되다
Although confirmed to be innocent, Robinson is declared guilty because he is black.
- be confirmed: 판명되다, 확정되다
Most of the jury knew that the accused had done nothing wrong, but their racial prejudices against blacks swayed their decision.
- prejudice against: ...에 대해서 편견을 갖게 하다, ...에게 해를 끼치다
- sway: 의견/결심을 좌우하다, 흔들다, 동요시키다, 지배/지휘/조종하다
For Scout, the trial was a confusing experience with justice. From her point of view, the world was full of prejudice, racism, and lies.
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